UPSC-IDES Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria, and Application Details

Indian Defence Estate Service

     Most of us have not even heard about the existence of the Indian Defence Estate Service( IDES). This service is one of the services under the UPSC examination. It was formed on 16th December of 1926. The primary work of these officers is to take care of the civil Affairs of cantonments and defense Lands in our country. The ministry of defense is its cadre controlling Authority (CCA).


UPSC-IDES Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria, and Application Details
UPSC-IDES Exam Dates, Eligibility Criteria

This table gives you an overview of IDES

Service Name Indian Defence Estate Service
Early called as Defence Lands and Cantonment Service (1983-1FUNCTIilitary Lands and Cantonment Service (1926-198)
Country India
College for staffs National Institute of Defence Estates Management, New Delhi.
Legal personality Government service
Cadre strength 189 members
Selection UPSC civil services examination
Chief of service Directorate General of Defence Estates(India) Deepa Bajwa, IDES


  1. Governing the defence lands.
  2. Conducting the Cantonment Boards.
  3. Developing Cantonments.
  4. Assuring proper health for residents, quality of schools.
  5. Ensuring the social care system for the elderly, differently-abled, and the underprivileged sections of society.
  6. Performing a formal survey of the fence lands.
  7. Compiling, hiring, and requisitioning immovable properties for defence purposes.
  8. Supervising regular audits of defence land.
  9. Maintaining and updating accurate and digitized records of land.
  10. Preventing and removing encroachments and unauthorized constructions on defence land.
  11. Disposing defence land.
  12. I am handling litigation regarding ownership of defence
  13. Advising the Defence Ministry on matters regarding Cantonments and defence land.
  14. Supervising the implementation of the Cantonments Act 2006
  15. As a whole all the civil affairs regarding the defence lands are taken care by IDES.


Junior time scale 15,600 – 39,100 + Grade Pay 5400  
Senior Time Scale 15,600 – 39,100 + Grade Pay 6600  
Junior Administration Grade (Ordinary) 15,600 – 39,100 + Grade Pay 7600  
Junior Administrative Grade (Selection) 37,400 – 67,000 + Grade Pay 8700  
Senior Administrative Grade 37,400 – 67,000 + Grade Pay 10,000  
Higher Administrative Grade 67,000 – 79,000  
Secretary-level Post 80,000
Motivational quote
Motivational quote the day

Training Period:

  • Candidates selected in the UPSC exams undergo training at the National Institute of Defence Estates Management in New Delhi.
  • An institution provides training to future IDES officers is National Institute of Defence Estates Management , on Ulan Batar Road ,New Delhi.
  • It Also trains lower staff by providing various courses throughout the entire year.presently NIDEM is headed by Mr.C.Ravindra, Director, SAG level officer.
  • A Joint Director, who is a JAG level officer assist the Director of NIDEM. Presently, this post is held by Mr. Puspendra Singh. NIDEM is an autonomous body.
  • It directly reports to the Director-General of Defence Estates.

Career prospects :

  • Members of IDES has an opportunity for deputation with Central Government.
  • Deputation is a group of people appointed for undertaking a mission or a formal process instead of a large number of people.
  • They also have opportunities to work with State Governments, and it’s higher officials
  • And also, they gain opportunities to work in Public Sector Undertakings like National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Coal India Limited (CIL), etc.

Organisation structure:

     The officers manning the Directorate General are members of the IDES.

Ranking according to highest authority:

 1.The highest-ranking in this service is Director General of Defence Estates .Further they can heads the Directorate General, located at Raksha Sampada Bhawan in Delhi and  Cantonment, Delhi.

2.Under DGDE, there are 5 officers

          4 members – Additional Director General (ADG) of Defence Estates

          1 member- Senior Additional Director General (SADG) of Defence Estates.

        The ADGs are in-charge of their respective divisions i.e. Cantonments & Co-ord., Acquisition and Hiring, Administration, and also Lands

       3.Under DGDE there are 6 Directorates as regional headquarters. Their role is to supervise the field offices under their jurisdiction.

 The 6 Directorates, are co-located with the 6 Indian Army Commands i.e. Northern Command at Jammu, Central Command at Lucknow, Western Command at Chandigarh, Eastern Command at Kolkata, and the South-western Command established in 2006 at Jaipur. Principal Directors (PDs) head the respective Commands. PDs are Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) officers.

    There are 62 Cantonment Boards and are headed by Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) , and 37 Defence Estates Circles and 4 Assistant Defence Estates Offices are headed by Defence Estates Officers (DEOs).

 The Chief Executive Officer is the  overall in charge of the administration of Cantonments as per the Cantonments Act, 2006.the Defence Lands are managed by the Defence Estates Officers (DEOs) .

Important Note:

   Number of vacancies vary every year. Every year Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, clarifies the number of vacancies after consulting the cadre controlling authority 

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